About Us

We are a collaborative, member-driven and member-managed global Network.

About Us

We are a collaborative, member-driven and member-managed global Network.

History & Mission

Code for All started in 2013 with the idea to bring organizations together who were doing similar work within civic tech in different parts of the world. Code for All is now a global network composed of 31 civic tech organizations from around the world.

Civic tech, in short, is technology that positively impacts society — but that’s not the whole story. It’s about creating civic innovation tools (tools that help make more democratic, transparent and people centered governments), but it isn’t only about the tools themselves — it’s about the process through which these tools are created.

Our mission is to connect civic tech organizations so they can learn from each other, leading to greater impact in their local communities. With the support of this international network, each of our member organizations have access to tool-kits, projects, and expertise from people doing similar work in different corners of the world. Our job is to bring them together, help them share resources and grow stronger in the work they do.

We believe in driving social change through digital technology, citizen participation and collaborative decision-making, while improving the relationship between governments and citizens.

How we work

Our work is all about connecting and empowering the global civic tech community. We’re always open to trying new things, but so far we’ve found these activities benefit organizations the most.


Redeploying Tools


Capacity Building

Our values

We believe that by working together, we can achieve greater impact. We work towards open, participatory and democratic societies and we make decisions in a transparent way. We and our Members are proud to be open-source organizations.






Our exchanges, workshops and knowledge-sharing tools help connect civic tech and civil society organizations from all around the world.

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